• 和我们一起庆祝



  • —— DA Introduction ——

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  • At present, the industry is facing the problems of insufficient design ability and lagging demand for consumers. AD, the designer alliance brand, on the one hand, leads the upgrading of the design concept of the whole industry with excellent design, and establishes a highland of original design. At the same time, it captures the individual needs of users by operating big data through the ecological chain, which establishes the thinking link from designers to consumers, and realizes the virtuous cycle-- design leads demands, and demands offer complementary effects back to design. By integrating local production and supply capacity, optimizing production capacity and productivity, and achieving a balance between quality and design sense, then we are able to maximize the value of design and form a benign closed loop of industry development.sense, thereby maximizing the value of design and forming a Closed loop of industry development.

  • —— DA Advantages ——

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  • —— DA Core Values ——



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    Innovative Product Power

    We integrate global design and existing IP to form an industry IP matrix and continuously provide innovative solutions for the industry. By integrating manufacturing enterprises and forming a manufacturer matrix, then we can realize the rapid implementation of "collectivization" and "high-quality" of products.




    Innovative NTN mind

    To link consumers with a continuous stream of design mind in order to meet the multiple-dimension product needs of the manufacturing industry. Innovative design and demand are connected.


    —— Brand operation pattern of DA ——

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